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Collaborative solutions for flexible Artisanal manufacturing

Start: November 2021
End: August 2022

BRILLIANT is part of a sub-project that has indirectly received funding from the European Union’s H2020 research and innovation programme via an Open Call issued and executed under project TRINITY (grant agreement No 825196)
Project goals

BRILLIANT pursues two main objectives towards autonomous uptake of collaborative solutions by SMEs: Developing smart, orchestrated and reconfigurable collaborative workcells to reduce adoption barriers of collaborative solutions for SMEs. For this reason, it introduces solutions for seamless connection of company equipment and digitisation of signals and parameters coming from legacy systems into a cloud platform based on ILVM. At the same time, it provides a stepwise procedure, with guidelines and quantifiable KPIs, for evaluating the potential of current industrial applications towards the adoption of collaborative approaches.
Combine flexibility and dexterity of humans with repeatability of cobots towards artisanal manufacturing 4.0. Such an ambitious goal, key to a company like Ideal-Tek and many other SMEs, is made possible by providing the BRILLIANT solution with an orchestrating entity like the IM that allows to define strategies to propose task assignment to cobot(s) and automated machines (based on speed and repeatability) vs human (based on experience, flexibility and dexterity).

Start: November 2021
End: August 2022


The TRINITY Open Call Committee (OCC) has evaluated our demonstration and the final report and related material is accepted.

Digital Technologies, Advanced Robotics and increased Cyber-security for Agile Production in Future European Manufacturing Ecosystems. Grant number: 825196

What we are doing
The BRILLIANT solution will be implemented and deployed in the Ideal-tek’s tweezers production system, mainly involving the welding, moulding, polishing and grinding operations.
The main impacts and success criteria that can bring to Ideal-tek’s production system are:
• -30% of the production time needed to perform the selected activities thanks to the introduction of the cobot, the dynamic tasks allocation between the manipulator and the workers and the optimised orchestration of the work cell.
• +40% of the variability of workers’ jobs thanks to both extrinsic and intrinsic job variations to improve well-being.
• -20% scraps due to the repeatability of the cobot, higher control of the work cell and higher focus of the worker thanks to dynamic tasks allocation.
Extension of the same performance improvement to other work cells within the company in a short time.
The project will realise in a first use-case thanks to the support of Holonix and SUPSI as integrators, then the BRILLIANT solution will be used to extend collaboration in other manufacturing processes.