Ideal-tek Scissor Catalogue
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Multi-purpose Scissors
FOR SPECIFIC CUTTING NEEDS - Ideal-tek Multi-purpose Scissors are designed for optimal durability, ensuring long-lasting performance that meets the demands of professional use.
399K.AN Scissors are able to cut Kevlar and Tough Fibers with ease. Unlike conventional scissors and shears, these specialized scissors make cutting challenging materials a breeze. Designed with precision and efficiency in mind, these scissors are engineered to handle a variety of tough fibers, including Vectran, Vicryl, Polyester, High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (UHMWPE), and more.
399K.AN Scissors are able to cut Kevlar and Tough Fibers with ease. Unlike conventional scissors and shears, these specialized scissors make cutting challenging materials a breeze. Designed with precision and efficiency in mind, these scissors are engineered to handle a variety of tough fibers, including Vectran, Vicryl, Polyester, High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (UHMWPE), and more.
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