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Bonkote - Flux dispensing pen
20 February 2014
Bonpens are refillable flux pens, that enables fine and accurate flux application on your work area. Available in 6 distinct styles, for different applications. You can also use a single cartridge, and simply buy the various replacement tips. Also available the Trial kit containing 6 different Bon Pen types.
Why to choose Bon Pens?
ESD safe handy tools
Flux can be refilled economically
Fine point, broad point, or slash cut tip styles available
No flux evaporation
Flux density can be kept constant
No dripping and flooding
Easy to clean (with alcohol or water, depending on flux use)
Check out the details >>
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Why to choose Bon Pens?
ESD safe handy tools
Flux can be refilled economically
Fine point, broad point, or slash cut tip styles available
No flux evaporation
Flux density can be kept constant
No dripping and flooding
Easy to clean (with alcohol or water, depending on flux use)
Check out the details >>
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