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NEW PCSA green packaging

20 January 2022

NEW PCSA green packaging

Ideal-tek commitment to reduce its environmental footprint never stops.

Why is the NEW PCSA packaging sustainable?

  • We got rid of all plastics!
  • The new carton box has been completely re-designed: simpler, easier to recycle and with lower environmental impact.
  • We improved the unboxing experience for our customers. Forget about those annoying polystyrene sticky peanuts!



What do we focus on?

  • Material: a complete corrugated cardboard is the go-to solutions for packaging sustainability*. It is a very strong organic material which makes products safe throughout the whole shipping process.
  • Production process: by minimising the production process, supply chain and carbon footprint.
  • Reusability or dismission: a simple cardboard box can be reused to create a circular economy or dismissed granting 100% biodegradability and 100% compostability**.

We sourced the material from Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified suppliers. They ensure that any wood-based products (like cardboard boxes) are made from sustainably-sourced forests.
** A material is considered compostable when it is not only biodegradable but also disintegrable and whose decomposition process takes place in less than 3 months.

(Ideal-tek PCSA green packaging Newsletter)
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