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Digital Microscopes
Dino-Lite Edge, WiFi, Polarizer, 10-220X, 5Mpx, FLC/AMR/EDOF/EDR
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With the use of the latest, cutting-edge optics, a brand new 5 megapixel sensor and several special features, the Dino-Lite WF7915MZT is a marvel of technology and the best choice for the high-demanding professional. The Dino-Lite WF7915MZT offers superb image quality and color reproduction in a robust, compact and appealing housing.With the Extended Dynamic Range (EDR) feature, the details of darker or brighter areas within the object can be revealed by stacking images at different exposure levels. The Extended Depth of Field (EDOF) feature automatically stacks images at different focus level to improve the depth of field on rough or uneven surfaces. With the built-in Automatic Magnification Reading (AMR), measurements can be performed easily and quickly. Because of the built-in polarization filter this model is ideal when working with shiny or reflective objects such as metal, plastic, glass, jewelry, electronics, etc.
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