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Life Sciences
31 January 2022
Biology Tweezers
Made of Superalloy (CX) or High-alloy Stainless Steel (DX), Ideal-tek Biology and Mini-biology tweezers are the perfect choice to be used under a microscope as their ultra-fine tips are ideal for handling extremely minute material and grids. The superior Alloy materials resist extreme temperatures, chemicals and other harsh conditions.
Probes and spatulas
Spatulas are used mainly to scrape, transfer or apply powders, and to glue chemicals or treatments. Probes are used to position components, to apply or remove adhesive coatings, to stir and mix powders and solutions. Other laboratory applications include and are not limited to picking, dosing and dropping chemicals, dispensing or sampling powders or soft solids.
Visual inspection
Ideal-tek products are designed for the visual inspection of hard-to-reach areas or areas that do not fall within the field of vision. Digital handheld microscopes, loupes, magnifiers, FHD inspection systems are the key products in the visual inspection processes.
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Life Science, Microbiology and Microscopy require superior precision instruments to perform critical tasks. Ideal-tek hand tools allow a careful handling of samples, substances and items for microscopic and close range applications in laboratory. Differentiated in shape and materials according to the purpose and field of application, our tools are able to stand out for reliability, excellent execution of their intended tasks and duration in time.
Biology Tweezers
Made of Superalloy (CX) or High-alloy Stainless Steel (DX), Ideal-tek Biology and Mini-biology tweezers are the perfect choice to be used under a microscope as their ultra-fine tips are ideal for handling extremely minute material and grids. The superior Alloy materials resist extreme temperatures, chemicals and other harsh conditions.
Probes and spatulas
Spatulas are used mainly to scrape, transfer or apply powders, and to glue chemicals or treatments. Probes are used to position components, to apply or remove adhesive coatings, to stir and mix powders and solutions. Other laboratory applications include and are not limited to picking, dosing and dropping chemicals, dispensing or sampling powders or soft solids.
Visual inspection
Ideal-tek products are designed for the visual inspection of hard-to-reach areas or areas that do not fall within the field of vision. Digital handheld microscopes, loupes, magnifiers, FHD inspection systems are the key products in the visual inspection processes.
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